"U OK hun" - It's All About The Timing
When times are dark, the chips are down and life seems bleak many people (but not enough) reach out to friends and family, especially via ' social media ' and mostly via Facebook. This is a good thing. There are also random posts from people that (probably) have had something happen in their lives, mostly to someone else, that prompts them to send out a message. The message that is most common is: Reach out, you're never alone, I'm here for you ... or any combination of the above with the same sentiment. Now, there's three things I'd like to talk about this response: Timing The sender The receiver For anyone that has read my On Contemplating Suicide post you may have picked up that the timeline, for me, means that timing to receive this message is problematic. If the world is all hunky-dory then it washes over like all Facebook "makes you feel good to send but what's that got to do with me" messages. If The Queen has arrived, then good luck...