Happy St David's Day AND Happy Birthday Liz

"Dydd Gwŷl Dewi Sant hapus"

Hope (1st March) was a happy one for you all and that you were eating leeks, speaking Welsh and singing (just to perpetuate the myth) to the best of your abilities.

The classic picture is still valid :-)
If we were in Wales ("Never Forget Your Welsh") we'd be wearing a daffodil and/or leek, quoting Max Boyce, singing at the top of our lungs AND having a go at every Englishman you could find.

And if you're on Twitter try @walesdotcom / @saintdavidsday and #stdavidsday

And on Google+ #stdavidsday

Happy birthday to my darling wife as well!

Liz on the left in her natural state - with laughing with friends


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