Getting Phill & Phil's Perfect Ten Over To Wellington, NZ [Updated]

[Updated: added Perfect 10 Twitter link]

One of the joys of an iPhone is the podcasts that get stuffed into my ear whenever I sync it with iTunes. Mostly it's BBC comedy, tech malarkey and the odd music show. But the ONE show I love appearing in the playlist is Phill & Phil's Perfect Ten.

The what?
Phill & Phil's Perfect Ten my friends, Phill & Phil's Perfect Ten!

Phill Jupitus and Phil Wilding, one a UK comedian the other a ... rock novelist from the old country? (with intro's from the every awesome Stephen Fry)

Their podcast (iTunes link coming) is FUCKING BRILLIANT!
And, they have done a couple of live show versions.

They've been busy recently so the podcasts (free and irregular) have been sparse.
Today I listened to the latest (I am always so happy when it arrives). And in it they said that they had a large number of people in Wellington listening in. Yay.

Then they bantered about coming out and doing a show here.

Let's make it happen.

Here's the plan - let 'em know you want them to come out to New Zealand!


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