Amazing 100 Year Old Russian Colour Photographs

That's Leo Tolstoy (War And Peace and the like):
The only color portrait known to exist of Leo Tolstoy (some maintain it is the first Russian color photographic portrait) was taken in 1908. One can only imagine the joy of the photographer to be given such an opportunity to capture for posterity (and in color) the grand old man of Russian letters. Taken two year’s before the author’s death in 1910 this picture beautifully captures the man behind masterpieces such as War and Peace and Anna Karenina. This image was widely reproduced on postcards and in various publications of the time. This (without forgetting or neglecting his reputation based on his other work on monuments) eventually brought him to the attention of Tsar Nicholas II. Tolstoy would be the inadvertent catalyst for the go ahead of the biggest project of Prokudin-Gorsky’s life.
The photo's from Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky (1863-1944) are incredible (I even had to do a cursory check to see if they're fake - came up with nothing). To be able to see and emotionally touch waaaaaaaay back then is quite amazing, very grounding and just freakin' fabulous.

See them all at The Incredible Century-old Color Photography of Prokudin-Gorsky - part 1 and part 2


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