3 Things I Do Online For The Love Of It

Slightly strange when I think of it but I am ...

1: The Flickr Group coordinator for Monmouth (Wales, UK)
Monmouth is where I spent my formative years, see chapter 2 of the life story.

BUT, I didn't start the Flickr group until I was well and truly settled into my New Zealand life and so I find it quite humorous that one of (if not the) biggest online photo collections of my home town is managed/wrangled by a Kiwi living in Wellington.

I also help wrangle the Miramar Peninsula (Wellington, New Zealand) group

2: Lead Wrangler For NZGovtFeeds
My passion for open, shared information knows no bounds.

To show off qhat can be done I (with some anonymous help) have created a Twitter account called NZGovtFeeds that shows off what can be done with the RSS feeds pumped out by New Zealand Government agencies. Whilst the Twitter account has garnered 322 followers with a huge majority being Kiwis and I am quite proud of it I want to experiment more with NZ government info and show what else can be done.

3: The Riversdale Archiver
Well, I take a lot of photos of us Riversdales and write a lot of words to go with it, all just to share them.

But it's more than that. Using Flickr (again) I believe it not only shares the images with the world but in time will become a shared photo album for everyone that may eventuate from Liz and I which may be 0 or loads, who's to know. In times gone past the precious handing down of photos was a (fairly recent) method of connecting with the past and ones heritage, Jack and Me and their children, children's children will have such an insight into "how it used to be" that I hope they will think they know us.

The same goes for this blog - especially the special times such as our arrivals at various points of the world, the birth of the kids and everything else that's not filler.

Where: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mike_riversdale/ and this blog's Meg, Jack, Liz, Mike postings


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