Rugby Union - is there any other game?

Well, the boys keep on winning!
But which boys - well, I have to say that whilst the Hurricanes have had a cracking 3 weeks away from home my eye is firmly on the "Welsh flair" up there in the Northern Hemisphere.

From what I can gather the situation is that Italy, England and Scotland are out of the running completely.
  • France must beat Italy by 40+ points to keep in the running ... tough but within grasp
  • If Wales beat Ireland then it's the Grand Slam, first since 1978
  • For Ireland to go top they must beat Wales by 13+

All to play for then. I'm trying desperately to find someone with Sky to watch the game at 3am Sunday - no luck yet - leave a comment if you're in Wellington and up for it!

Oh, and Virtual Super 12 - not too shabby this weekend but need a few more to get into the money. Still, only week 3 isn't it - and the Lions will be here soon.


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