Fundy-mentalists, King Kong and Christmas trees

New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists - good site taking the 'fundy-mentalist" out of the political debate - they even read the crap and get the best bits for you.

Of course it currently has loads of references to high-pitched right-wing/homophobic rantings about the Civil Union Bill. Funny how the no-argument has moved from "it'll demean marriage" to "it's just a backdoor (!) for gay marriage" - let's just fish around for anything to try and stop the bill shall we, *sheesh*.

Anything else - got the latest King Kong production diary (Day 66) - fascinating. AND, PJ (as people a lot closer to him than I get to call him) has a wicked hair-style; I reckon it's because he's got a bit-part in the theatre scene and it was a quick removal of make-up/hair piece - just my view ... could have just been blinking hotin there :-)

Christmas has officialy arrived at The Riversales - tree is up. Liz and I were mighty impressed last night as we sat back to admire it ... Jack glanced at it this morning on his way to the the TV to put Banana's In Pyjamas on, ho hum.
Pictures to come - enjoy Friday and here's to a busy (Christmas an Birthday parties!) weekend ...


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