Christmas Day was awesome

Yep, without any stress on anyone's part and without really forcing the issue all the bits that make up a "Christmas Day" for me happened - Dr No was watched, pressies were opened (took an hour - the most I have ever seen outside of Kirks!!), chicken was eaten, family was communicated with (phone and the webcam worked - just brilliant to actually SEE them at the same time) and friends popped in (awesome effort from Paul) - and my awesome partner, Liz, was just brilliant, huuuuug!
(oh, and Jack loved it - piccies at some point)
So, one of the best Christmas Day's for a very long time - and a special thanks to Sarah, Graeme, Jacqui, Zoe and Char for making it so!

And the best pressie - so far it's the "Rugby's Strangest Matches" book from Ma and Pa, just loving it. And now I know why a "try" is a so called.

A glorious sunny, still day today as we all spent time around Oriental Bay and I even managed to push Jack home from town ... yep, all the way. Feet are a tad sore at the mo'.

Anyway, only really getting the emails so will chat l8r - see ya!


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