Pooh Club Declares Independence

Inside the Welsh Dragon Bar (Wellington NZ), on the wall near the fire is a series of photographs that many people ignore.

A friend of mine (see her show) was telling of her student days in the mid-1960s and how she was a member of the relatively short lived Pooh Club. A lovely, enthusiastic, and silly club that once clambered upon this very building declaring it an independent state. All terribly silly and absolutely driven by 'high spirits' at the start of university.

"Oh, there's a photo of you and the Pooh Club on the wall!", and she had a lot of fun seeing herself sitting on top of the Taj Mahal (as it was nicknamed) alongside other Pooh Club members.

Everyone has great delight informing anyone within earshot that, "The Dragon Bar used to be a  toilet." It's true it did, between 1928 and 1964, gaining it's Taj Mahal nickname due to the quirky design.

It's now 60 years since the toilets closed down but there will always be someone happily stating, "Did you know, this used to be a toilet!"

But will they remember the day it was declared an independent state by the Pooh Club, I hope so.
Photo of a black and white photo. A group of students sit upon a domed toilet roof with a policeman next to them. In the foreground surrounding the building are many other students watching on.
Perhaps it's time for someone to resurrect the Pooh Club and declare an independent state.

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