A Pleasant Surprise On The Way Home

Summer 2021/22 I did a road trip up to Wellington Napier, and various site seeing places on the way back down before heading over to Nelson with $0 in my pocket and no trousers, a story for another time.

Driving down SH2 with no particular place to be by any particular time I stopped of at the Pekapeka regional park, coz why not.

The sun was high in the sky and I wandered around this wet lands reserve with my mouth agog, it was so beautiful. I took a metric shit tonne of photos, they're all here for you.

I liked this one coz tree, reflection, hill colour, blue sky. And between the base of the tree and the bushes just in front you can glimpse SH2, yup, it's right there and yet it was still so peaceful.
Hawks Bay summer hill and a large tree as see across a calm and reflective Pekapeka regional park lake


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