January 2008; A Look Back With Colour Photography

January 2008 seems quite quiet from the photos - back from the Yuletide in Christchurch, a few beach visits, a BBQ and loads of laffs with friends - nice.
(all photos originally uploaded by me)

Flickr: Sisters, a Grandpa and Jack
Sisters, a Grandpa and Jack

Flickr: Sugar's first day
Sugar's first day

Flickr: Summer BBQ in Miramar
Summer BBQ in Miramar

Flickr: Family on a visit to Scorching Bay
Family on a visit to Scorching Bay

Flickr: Liz, Meg and some snails
Liz, Meg and some snails

Flickr: Helen and a wee kitten
Helen and a wee kitten

Flickr: Steph and Meg at Worser Bay on Wellington Anniversary 2008
Steph and Meg at Worser Bay on Wellington Anniversary 2008

Flickr: Crashed out Meg
Crashed out Meg

Flickr: Miramar Central School "bad child restraints"
Miramar Central School "bad child restraints"

Flickr: People sit and ponder the Hat BBQ
People sit and ponder the Hat BBQ

Flickr: Martha, Malo and Liz at the Teddy Bear's Picnic 2008
Martha, Malo and Liz at the Teddy Bear's Picnic 2008

Flickr: Jack and Sugar
Jack and Sugar


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