Get creative with your photography

Flickr: International tractor ...Awesome blog posting at digital photography school about Adding Randomness to Your Photos that gives some cracking (and easy) techniques to increase your digital photographic prowess (that's prowess with creating digital photographs and not photographic prowess in a digital manner).

Annnywho, top tips are (read the article for the 'how'):
  • Move your camera
  • Zoom while shooting
  • Get creative with focusing
  • Shoot from your boots
  • Over expose your shots
  • Slow sync flash
  • Monopod extenders
  • Multiple exposures
  • Go grainy
  • Experiment with the white balance
  • Master the bulb setting
  • Infrared
And yes, that list could also be read as some sort of Clapham Common Flashers Handbook ... if you're that way inclined.


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