Recent Readers - how I added them and what it means (MyBlogLog)

My MyBlogLogSome of the more observant of the intelligent readers will have noticed an ever changing bunch of faces to the left (at the top) and may have wondered what the jolly heck is going on. Well sit yourself down and let me tell ya!

I've joined up to a blog tracking service called MyBlogLog (now owned by Yahoo!). It tracks a number of things such as where you click and, if you're part of the MyBlogLog network what site you've been to.

My wee page is at:

How does this all affect you - not a jot, but by all means gaze lovingly at the faces as they appear and even click on through to see who they are.

The statistics collected is all automatic (much like Google Analytics that I also use) and won't contain anything personal about you or anything I can use to trace you down and become your own personal stalker - promise.
The top 25 links clicked are displayed back to you as you hover over them ... of mild interest if you want to follow the herd :-)

If you want to read more check out:


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