What I benefits I offer any organisation

How does this scan guys and gals?
All towards achieving the perfect CV which is all about obtaining the position where I can make the most difference and be financially secure.

I have worked within the NZ Public Sector at both a central and local level delivering KM systems whilst introducing the underpinning KM approaches and culture.

Within my current role I am heavily involved in developing strong working relationships with all levels of the organisation from elected members down to the day-to-day operational staff as I introduce and promulgate a KM ethos (via principles and underlying practices) relevant to the organisations stated goals. It is my responsibility to champion KM in the organisation and encourage staff to adopt a knowledge sharing and collaborative approach ("one organisation"). I have approached this by education, arranging for hands-on experience and ensuring the organisation cultural aspects are enshrined in the principles ("How we Work Around Here").

Via workshops and online information I have leveraged and highlighted historical "networks of knowledge" (social clubs, organisational structure) which is enabling staff to recognise the concept of "communities of practice" and apply them to new and diverse means such as skill-based groupings, geographical-based staff and interest-based.

This has, of course, meant a lot of networking throughout the organisation as the KM concepts are introduced, questioned and assimilated into every day activities - an on-going process.

A delivery mechanism for a major set of KM tools has been the use of inter/intranets and related Web 2.0 approaches.

I have full understanding of the concepts behind what it means to be "collaborative" and it is key to my approach to KM.

I am most definitely a "self-starter" able to work with minimal supervision, well organised with excellent prioritisation/workload management abilities and have exceptional editorial, communications and networking skills. My Business Analysis history means I have a strong problem solving/analytical skills, fine attention to detail and am most definitely creative.

My counselling background bring out the strong negotiation and facilitation skills which is called for on a regular basis I introduce change into the organisation.

I am always customer solution oriented, extremely technology aware and apply a very flexible approach (appropriate tools for the appropriate job accessing the relevant information).


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