It was the perfect moment

Flickr: Sleeping JackI was sooo warm. My toes were warm which is so important to me as I'm Pisces. I wiggled my legs and every part of the bed I could touch was warm. Not too warm, not a hint of cold air coming, perfect. There were some parts of the sheets that weren't as warm as the others but that was OK as it gave me the chance to cool down before shifting back to the perfect warmth.

My eyes were shut.

My head was not only "on" but it was being held, being supported by the pillow in the perfect position. It too was warm. My face was rosey, I could feel the that the pillow was warm on top and underneath.

The top shoulder was covered. The duvet towered above me and was ... warm. There was nothing I needed to do, the sheet was tucked up and over the end of the duvet, nothing was in the slightest nee of reparation.

I was warm. I was asleep ... was.

Liz had woken me up so I could go and get Meg for a midnight feed. I wasn't concerned. If I hadn't been woken up I wouldn't have had the perfect bed warm experience. I was happy.

But then I had to get out of bed. Would it be the same when I got back?

No. I went back to sleep.


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