Week 30, and Meg's really making her presence known

Image hosted by Photobucket.comPoor old Liz is really getting to 'hear' from Meg as she turns around, kicks the crap out of Mum and moves under them ribs. Eek. Lucily the space in which she can move around is rapidly diminishing as she grows to fill it up and this week is (so "they" say) the last of the true mobility weeks.

Liz said that the (new) mid-wife could even feel the bum (up under the ribs) and therefore Meg was facing down. Doesn't the blood rush to their heads when they're like that?

Liz is also waddling quite substantially, particularly towards the end of the day when she gets very tired. In fact, she told me that she's starting to be quite tired as a norm - poor sod.

We're nearly into single figures of "weeks to go" and then it'll really be a count down. Before that happens we have a mate who's about to have her baby (girl as well) in only 6 weeks. Once Ruth and Steve have her daughter we will be in real "Oh! My! God! Here we go ..." mode.

I think once Jack is out of his cot (which we'll put away for a few months) and he's into the "big boys bed" the serious planning for the arrival of Meg will start.

Looking forward to it ...

Read the previous Meg postings


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