Drama tapes

The final ever posting about tapes I have ... there are no more in the house to list. Fucking yippee!

All these are recorded - mostly off the BBC.
  • The Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy (12 episodes, 6 tapes)
  • The Restaurant at the End Of The Universe
  • The Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy
  • Batman Knightfall (2 tapes)
  • The Hobbit (3.5 tapes)
  • The Lord Of The Rings (13 tapes)
  • Sherlock Holmes - Carleton Hobs & Norman Shelley: A Scandal in Bohemia / The Red-Headed League / Charles Augusts Milverton / The Speckled Band
  • Sherlock Holmes 2 - Carleton Hobs & Norman Shelley: The Empty House / The Final Problem / The Blue Carbuncle / Silver Blaze
  • The Sherlock Holmes Audio Collection - Basil Rathbone: The Final Problem / The Red-Headed League / A Scandal in Bohemia / Silver Blaze
  • Great Trials, Oscar Wilde - performed by Martin Jarvis
  • C S Lewis', The Screwtape Letters - read by John Cleese


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