About MainlanderMike

About this blog
This blog is used to both link websites d'jour and get the things that intrique/bother me out of my head. Oh, and I suggest you check out this blogs policies and copyright.

About Mike
You can read my Blogger profile, Yahoo! profile or Virtual Tourist page. You can check out the life story / life soundtrack and talk about my body. I'm a sociable wee man so please drop me an email at miramar.mike@gmail.com or try the ways to get in touch with me or even just buy me something

My work life uses Knowledge Management approaches which I'm detailing at the KM Wiki. With that in mind I'd love you to think about hiring me.

Check out the photo collections here and here. Or just gazing admiringly at the following photo for a few minutes:
"Life's too short to drink bad wine" - Winston Churchill?

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Played: Amazon CD wish list

Read: Amazon book wish list

Watched: Amazon DVD wish list


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