Exotic, Amazing, and Idyllic View

I am both of the exotic and the mundane, of reality and fantastical, but mostly of the dream.

I live in Aotearoa New Zealand because of a book.

It was my Uncle's 'boys own adventure' book from the 1920s (I think) that included a chapter about Pelorus Jack, a Risso's dolphin that was famous for meeting and escorting ships through a stretch of water in Cook Strait from 1888 until his disappearance after 1912.

The story wasn't particularly adventurous but, to my young mind, I was being transported to another part of the universe. A country that was so exotic, so amazing, so idyllic.

I've lived in that part of the universe for more years than I've lived anywhere else. 

Thankfully I still experience it with my 11 year olds eyes, so exotic, amazing, and idyllic. I also see it for the reality it is, it's struggles, attitudes, loves, victories, hates, loves, and differences.

I am the luckiest person.

View of Kapiti Island through trees up the path through to the beach


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