Women Are Better Than Men [UPDATED]

When it comes to politicians women are mostly better at it than men.

There are, of course, exceptions to disprove the law such as Liz Truss, Judith Collins, Pauline Hanson, and of course Boris Johnson's current wife.

Likewise there have been some outstanding men politicians ... um, you can fill in the end of this sentence can't you ...

Here's two spectacular wāhine politicians, Jacinda Ardern and Chlöe Swarbrick as depicted in The Backbencher Pub opposite the NZ Parliament.
Collage of Jacinda Ardern and Chlöe Swarbrick puppets at The Backbencher Pub (Wellington, NZ)
[UPDATED: 16-Sept-2024: Washington Post Opinion  In a global emergency, women are showing how to lead. Now the men are back in charge it all feels a bit shite around the world eh]
Effective leadership skills are not gender-exclusive or biologically determined. Like all of us, leaders learn to take into account social expectations. Women in male-dominated fields often incur penalties [PDF] for assertive, power-seeking behavior because it violates expectations of feminine communality. Numerous studies find stereotypically “feminine” leadership more effective, yet still people prefer traits associated with men — confidence, competitiveness, decisiveness.
