Earls Colne

A trawl through my "draft" posts on this blog shows me this is the earliest one of the 39 I have - something I found interesting back in 2009. I have no recollection as to why. I don't believe I have ever been to Earls Colne, I cannot see anything particularly notable about it, it's not a place I have a hankering to go to, no-one I've wanted to know more about is from there, heck it's not even the filming site for a Midsomer Murder episode.
By JohannesJ - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2215727

It was just a draft post of 3 links, all of which still work - gotta love the Web that just stays around.


There is something about a "project" that I suspect I was interested in, maybe, for some reason., perhaps.


Standard tourism page.


Standard Wikipedia page.

So there we have it Earls Colne ... no longer a draft, out there for the world to marvel at and, well, perhaps give me some clues as to why I cared about it so much back in 2009.


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