
Showing posts from February, 2010

Getting Phill & Phil's Perfect Ten Over To Wellington, NZ [Updated]

[Updated: added Perfect 10 Twitter link] One of the joys of an iPhone is the podcasts that get stuffed into my ear whenever I sync it with iTunes. Mostly it's BBC comedy, tech malarkey and the odd music show. But the ONE show I love appearing in the playlist is Phill & Phil's Perfect Ten . The what? Phill & Phil's Perfect Ten my friends, Phill & Phil's Perfect Ten ! Phill Jupitu s and Phil Wilding, one a UK comedian the other a ... rock novelist from the old country? (with intro's from the every awesome Stephen Fry) Their podcast (iTunes link coming) is FUCKING BRILLIANT! And, they have done a couple of live show versions. They've been busy recently so the podcasts (free and irregular) have been sparse. Today I listened to the latest (I am always so happy when it arrives). And in it they said that they had a large number of people in Wellington listening in. Yay. THEN Then they bantered about coming out and doing a show here. YES! YES! YES! Let's

The Miramar Track Project + Cinema Workings

Awesome: Centennial Reserve on Miramar Peninsula now has two new dual-use tracks for walking and mountain biking thanks to the efforts of a hard-working group of volunteers. The trackes are "accessible from the end of Darlington Road in Miramar, Nevay Road and Main Road in Maupuia". Thank you all those volunteers and WCC workers, totally appreciate it! (link: Wellington City Council ) And it looks like the work on the old cinema is finally kicking off as the old Art Gallery has moved out and there were quite a few burly men walking around inside today. Finally!

Changing My Google Profile

For a long, loooooooong time I've had a Google profile but with the latest updates to Google services I need to update it - this is post keeping the old content (below) for nostalgia :-) New profile: -------------------------------------------------- My job is to make IT invisible! It's a simple as that; we shouldn't have to think about the how but concentrate on the why and what we want IT to do for us. Making this happen for the majority of computer work means moving to the Internet ("cloud computing") as we rarely use a computer without the need to share with someone else. I have written extensively about that on my professional blog I am so passionate about it I am now part of WaveAdept , a New Zealand-based company with the stated aim of "making IT invisible". WaveAdept is also a leading, authorised Google Apps re-seller . Because I am such an evangelist of the Internet and it's power to transform people and companies I am

This Is Brilliant - A (Concept) GPS Flashlight That Guides You Around

I want it to move from concept to reality as soon as possible :-) Seen on * The Tamtam Flash from Designaffairs Studio makes it easy to find your way, projecting directions on any flat surface such as the sidewalk. If you want a more general view, the Tamtam Flash can also project a zoomable and scrollable map on any wall, giving you an overall perspective on wherever you happen to be. Additionally, the Tamtam Flash can read QR codes (as seen on Google Maps ) to give you additional information about any location that might use them. * If you're in NZ then you need to know it's not that D.VICE ;-)

Confusing Response - What Do You Thing It's Saying?

I'm looking at the the line, "No, we do need to follow all our policies seriously" in response to the chosen answer of "Yes, we need to follow all our policies seriously." ... HUH!?

OK, This IS Embarrassing - 1970's NZ Tourism Advert

I ... I can say no more than, "Eek" (this was used as an opening by a presenter at today's Webstock conference happening in Wellington, NZ - thanks to attendee @absolut_todd for finding and sharing )

Born Of Hope Movie - Returning To Middle Earth Before Peter Jackson

Wow! Born of Hope is an independent feature film inspired by the Lord of the Rings and produced by Actors at Work Productions in the UK. This film should soon be also on it's proper Youtube channels, ActorsatWork & BornofHope. Check them out for more videos regarding the film. Thanks to Chris Bouchard and the H4G team for putting the film here until Youtube upgrade our channels. A scattered people, the descendents of storied sea kings of the ancient West, struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction. Yet amidst these valiant, desperate people, hope remains. A royal house endures unbroken from father to son. This 70 minute original drama is set in the time before the War of the Ring and tells the story of the Dúnedain, the Rangers of the North, before the return of the King. Inspired by only a couple of paragraphs written by Tolkien in the appendices of the Lord of the Rings we follow Arathorn

Forget Google, Otago University Knows Exactly Where You Are

My wife went to Otago University back in the 1990's and, like most of her fellow graduates, she was plonked onto a "database" so that they could send out the " University of Otago Magazine ". Now, Liz isn't really one for keeping in touch with her old university but as long as they don't ask for money or want her to do anything then sweet as. She's been receiving this monthly magazine for many years. Not once has she ever got in touch with them in any form. Last week the February edition arrived in the mailbox. And it struck me that they had her name and address perfectly. They have her marriage status, her new surname and her shortened first name. They have her postal address including the postcode (for those outside of NZ: postcodes are something most people don't bother with) In the time that I have known Liz this magazine has always found her! She has changed her name once and her address five times but Otago University magazine has never m

Summer('beer')fest 2010! This Sunday, 1-4pm Worser Bay Boating Club

Yahoo! My eldest goes to an enlightened school where their fund raising events involve ... beer! Not just the sugary shite that is still the majority of Kiwi's drinking habits but real, proper beer! THIS SUNDAY! Bring your family and friends to an afternoon of sea, sun, beer tasting, wine sipping, savouring local delicacies and other refreshments to tempt your tastebuds. Be entertained by live music, including jazz duo Sue and Fritz, Pat Higgins and Friends, Gypsy Tandrum Duo, and raconteur beer expert Neil Millar . Don't forget to bring some cash on the day - all proceeds go to Worser Bay School. Tickets: Adult $15, children free. Door sales will be available but pre-purchase your tickets now to avoid disappointment! Tickets on sale now from the school office or buy them by email - it's as easy as 1 -2 -3 ! EMAIL your ticket request to home and school . Provide your name, address, phone number and the number of tickets you wish to purchase in your email. Tell us if yo

The Immortals by Martin Amis - Wellington Fringe

OMG! I know someone, Dan Slevin, who is actually brave enough to get up on stage and perform ... awesome to have such people in one's life. But he needs your support! I hope you don't mind me alerting you to a show I'm doing, in this year's Wellington Fringe Festival. It's called The Immortals and all the information can be found here: There are only 9 performances and the venue only seats 20. So, as the sharper amongst you will have already worked out, there are only 180 seats for the whole season. So get in quick and book at BATS. I have attached an e-flyer should you want to pass the word around to friends and co-workers. Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you soon.

Passion - It's What Life Is About [vid]

As I slowly work through the amazing back catalogue of TED Talks I am permanently stunned by quality of the talks such as this from Isabel Allende as she discusses women, creativity, the definition of feminism -- and, of course, passion. She is funny, heart breaking but mostly inspiring Perfect companion to Courage And Following Your Dreams - Scary Shit