Icons for understanding Eastern and Western cultures

Icons For Understanding Eastern and Western Cultures - PART ONE with parts II and III available. Thanks to the ever connected Russell Brown and my picks, one from each ...

Westerner — Blue / Chinese — Red

Part I - ME
Westerners think in terms of me, me, me. Most Asians think of themselves as part of a larger sum.

Icons For Understanding Eastern and Western Cultures - PART ONE

Part II - The Child
Family relationships in the East and West are very different. In the West, children are raised primarily by the parents, with grandparents playing less of a role in day-to-day life. In the East, both parents and grandparents are actively involved in raising children.

Icons For Understanding Eastern and Western Culture Part II

Part III - Transportation
Loads of people back home are going green and finding alternate routes to work that involve less harm for the environment, when the weather permits that is. Over in Asia, people have used bicycles as a primary means of transportation for ages and are quickly making the switch to motor vehicles.

Icons For Understanding Eastern and Western Culture Part III


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